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Our paving joints

Joint NP Polymère

  • The best solution for narrow-lay pavers
  • Joint widths from 1 mm up to 5 mm
  • Suitable for almost all types of coated stone and fragile as well as ceramic tiles
  • Resistant to frost and de-icing salt, to HP (120 bars), PERMEABLE, no veil of cement!
  • Suitable for light loads < 3.5 T
  • Prevents the growth of weeds
  • 3 colors available

Joint Easy

  • The easiest solution for your paver joints PERMEABLE AND CEMENT-FREE 
  • Joint widths from 5 mm
  • Suitable for almost all types of coated stone and fragile as well as ceramic tiles
  • Resistant to frost and road salt, HP, UV
  • Suitable for light loads up to 3.5T
  • Prevents the growth of weeds
  • 3 colors available

Joint Eco-Fine​ *New

  • The best joint solution for durable pavers and narrow joints
  • Joint widths from 3 mm
  • Suitable for almost all types of coated stone and fragile as well as ceramic tiles
  • Resistant to frost and road salt, permeable and without cement.
  • Suitable for pedestrian type traffic load
  • Prevents the growth of weeds
  • 3 colors available

Joint NP Polymère

NP Polymer joint mortar is a grouting sand based on essentially natural raw materials for permeable joints that prevents the growth of weeds. Thanks to the easy and quick implementation, NP Polymer jointing sand is ideal for narrow joints, especially for interlocking paving stones, for terraces, entrances and public spaces. It is the binder that ensures that small joint cracks repair themselves in contact with water. 

NP Polymer Jointing Sand holds better than all conventional unbonded joint sealers and meets all AgBB requirements, having been tested by the Eco-Institut Cologne.


  • joint width from 1 mm up to 5 mm
  • for narrow laying pavers
  • self-repairing
  • suitable for almost all types of coated and fragile stone as well as ceramic tiles
  • for unbound construction
  • tested according to AgBB
  • resistant to frost and road salt
  • permeable
  • Leaves no marks on the surface

Site requirements: The structure must be designed according to the expected traffic load. The regulations and technical data sheets for the realization of paved surfaces must be respected. Do not use in permanently wet areas (e.g. swimming pools, fountains, ponds, gutters etc.), otherwise the grouting sand will slowly dissolve under the permanent water load or in standing water. To be used only for permeable structure (bed and supporting layer) or with a slope of at least 2%..
Prepare: The complete joint must be cleared of all sorts of roots and organic constituents. To prevent weeds in the substrate from growing back, appropriate means/methods must be applied. NP Polymer jointing sand must be incorporated at least 2⁄3 of the height of the pavers or slabs at a minimum. For slab thicknesses less than 30mm, laying should be bonded construction and the entire joint should be completely filled with NP Polymer jointing sand.
Treat: Pour NP Polymer sand onto the dry pavement and mix with a shovel to obtain an ideal granular mixture. Work into the joints with a broom. The incorporation must always be done diagonally in relation to the line of the joint to guarantee optimal filling. Fill NP sand up to the top edge of the paver or bevel. Sweep the paved surface carefully with a fine-bristle broom until no sand remains on the surface.

For a new construction, we recommend compacting with a vibrating plate, provided that the paving/slab surfacing is suitable for vibrating plates. If necessary, use a protective mat. Then fill the joints once again.

Pro Tip: On some porous and/or dark surfaces, it may be difficult to completely remove all product residue. In order to remove all these residues from the surface, a leaf blower must be used. If slight visible residues still remain on the surface of the stone, these will weather away over time.
Final cleaning: If necessary, you still have the option of removing sand residues with a rough broom the next day. Bevels in brick and slab coverings must be cleared, as sufficient adhesion of the mortar is not ensured. The surface can be charged after 24-48 hours.
Post-treatment: For the maintenance of the joints, it must always be ensured that there are no organic components (e.g. soil) on the surface of the joints. Rotting leaves or grass should be removed regularly from the surface of the stones and the grout. It is possible to use cleaners for greenish deposits available in stores. To successfully prevent weed regrowth and paver shifting, it is necessary to regularly fill the joints up to the top edge of the paver/slab covering. The best results are obtained with a total filling of the joint. NP Polymer sand becomes plastic when wet, so any settlement cracks or other minor damage that occurs can be repaired and smoothed with a jointer.

Joint Easy

Easy joint sand is a one-component, ready-to-use paver joint mortar. After treatment, it hardens in contact with air/oxygen. Therefore, it is vacuum packed. This highly permeable joint mortar is perfectly suited to DIYers thanks to its ease of use.

Easy joint sand is used on patios, sidewalks as well as light and occasional passenger car loads around the home (with a non-compacting and permeable bed). The paver joint mortar can be used for almost all natural stones, natural and concrete slabs as well as clinker coatings.


  • joint width from 5 mm
  • joint depth from 30 mm
  • mixed and ready to use, vacuum packed
  • also for do-it-yourselfers
  • suitable for almost all types of coated and fragile stone as well as ceramic tiles
  • resistant to frost and road salt
  • permeable

Exigences de chantiers: La structure doit être conçue en fonction de la charge de trafic prévue. Les règlements et fiches techniques pour la réalisation de surfaces pavées sont à respecter. Les charges futures ne doivent pas occasionner des affaissements de la surface ainsi que la désolidarisation et le déplacement des pavés. Un mortier drainant et résistant au gel. (Voir documentation séparée). Ne pas utiliser dans des zones humides en permanence (par ex. piscines, fontaines, étangs caniveaux etc.). À utiliser seulement pour structure perméable (lit et couche portante) ou avec une pente d‘au moins 2%.

Préparer: Nettoyer les joints sur une profondeur minimum de 30 mm (sous charge de trafic au 2⁄3 de la hauteur des pavés ou dalles, largeur des joints minimum 5 mm). Pour les épaisseurs de dalles inférieures à 30 mm, la pose doit se faire en construction liée et tout le joint doit être entièrement rempli de sable de joint Easy. En principe, la surface à jointoyer doit être débarrassée de toute sorte de salissures avant le jointoiement. Les surfaces adjacentes qui ne seront pas jointoyées doivent être recouvertes d‘une bande collante.

Pré-mouiller: Pré-mouiller la surface. Les surfaces absorbantes ainsi que des températures de sol plus élevées exigent un mouillage préalable plus intensif. L‘eau stagnante est à éviter dans le jointoiement frais.

Traiter: Ouvrir le couvercle du seau, enlever le sac sous vide, découper et verser immédiatement le mortier de joints uniformément et complètement sur la surface préalablement humidifiée. Ensuite, faites pénétrer le mortier intensivement dans les joints à l‘aide d‘un balai ou d‘une raclette en caoutchouc. Assurez-vous que les joints soient complètement remplis et compactés. Durant le jointoiement, tous les outils ainsi que les chaussures de travail doivent être nettoyés régulièrement avec un jet d‘eau, afin d‘éviter des salissures par les liants et des traces de pas sur la surface des pierres.

Conseil de pro pour joints étroits: Pour améliorer la résistance des joints, le mortier fraîchement appliqué peut être post-compacté à l‘aide d‘un fin jet d‘eau pulvérisée. Les joints affaissés sont à nouveau à remplir avec du mortier. L‘eau stagnante est à éviter dans le jointoiement frais.

Nettoyage final: Ensuite, balayer la surface soigneusement avec un balai fin jusqu‘à ce qu‘elle soit dégagée de tous les résidus de mortier. Les chanfreins des revêtements en briques et de dalles doivent être dégagés, étant donné qu‘une adhérence suffisante du mortier n‘est pas assurée. Le balayage doit se faire diagonalement au tracé du joint. Le matériau balayé ne doit plus être utilisé. Les résidus adhérents sur la surface des pierres peuvent être enlevés avec un balai rugueux encore 24 h après.

Traitement ultérieur: En cas de bruine, une protection contre la pluie n‘est pas nécessaire. En cas de pluie forte et continue, la surface fraîchement jointoyée doit être protégée pendant 24 heures. Dans ce cas, la protection pluie (film pour bâtiment/bâche de recouvrement) peut être posée directement sur la surface. Dans un premier temps, un film de résine synthétique ultra-mince peut rester sur la surface, qui intensifie la couleur de la pierre et la protège contre les salissures. Néanmoins, au fil du temps ce film disparaît avec les intempéries et par abrasion.

Joint Eco-Fine *New

Eco-Fine Grouting Sand is a ready-to-use, flowable, one-component paver grouting mortar. The mortar hardens after the air-oxygen treatment, and therefore it is vacuum packed. This highly permeable joint mortar is ideal for professionals as well as DIY enthusiasts thanks to its ease of use and it de-waterproofs the joints.

Eco-Fine Grout Sand is used around the home on patios, sidewalks and driveways for light and occasional passenger car loads (with a non-compacting, permeable bed). The grouting mortar for cobblestones is also particularly suitable for ceramic slabs with a high aesthetic level, thanks to the fine appearance of the joint.


  • joint width from 3 mm, joint depth from 30 mm
  • for 2 cm thick ceramic tiles
  • can be used around swimming pools, as it is resistant to chlorine and salt water
  • for narrow laying pavers and slabs
  • resistant to frost and road salt
  • mixed and ready to use, vacuum packed
  • can be brushed on without loss of quality
  • very permeable
  • suitable for almost all types of coated and fragile stones
  • almost no resin film
  • usable in case of drizzle
  • no need to cover in case of drizzle

Site requirements: The structure must be designed according to the expected traffic load. The regulations and technical data sheets for the realization of paved surfaces must be respected. Future loads must not cause subsidence of the surface as well as the separation and movement of the pavers. Do not use in permanently wet areas (eg swimming pools, fountains, ponds, gutters etc.). To be used only for a permeable structure (bed and supporting layer) or with a slope of at least 2%.

Prepare: Clean the joints to a minimum depth of 30 mm (under traffic load at 2⁄3 of the height of the pavers, joint width minimum 3 mm). For tile thicknesses less than 30 mm (e.g. 2 cm thick ceramic tiles), a bonded and permeable construction is required and the joint must be completely filled with Eco-Fine joint sand. In principle, the surface to be grouted must be freed of all kinds of dirt before grouting. Adjacent surfaces that will not be grouted must be covered with adhesive tape.

Pre-wet: Intensively pre-wet the surface. Absorbent surfaces as well as higher floor temperatures require more intensive pre-wetting. Avoid standing water in the fresh grout.

Treat: Open the lid of the bucket, remove the vacuum bag, cut and immediately pour the joint mortar in portions on the previously well-wet surface. Then work the mortar intensively into the joints using a gentle water jet or a rubber squeegee to ensure that the joints are completely filled. Unlike our other products, Eco-Fine joint sand must be continuously backfilled with plenty of water. Further compaction is not necessary. Mortar residues will be removed from the surface with a fine jet of water without washing the joints.

Final cleaning: Then sweep the surface thoroughly with a wet coconut broom until it is free of all mortar residue. The sweep must be done diagonally to the line of the joint. Bevels in brick and slab coverings must be cleared, as sufficient adhesion of the mortar is not ensured. The swept material should no longer be used. Residues adhering to the surface of the stones can be removed with a rough broom again 24 hours later.

Post-treatment: In case of drizzle, rain protection is not necessary. In the event of heavy and continuous rain, the freshly grouted surface must be protected for 24 hours. In this case, the rain protection (building film/covering tarpaulin) can be laid directly on the surface. At first, an ultra-thin synthetic resin film can remain on the surface, which intensifies the color of the stone and protects it against dirt. Nevertheless, over time this film disappears on the surface exposed to the weather and by abrasion. Important information: Eco-Fine grouting sand gives off the specific, harmless smell of natural oils. This disappears over time when the hardening phase is over. We therefore recommend using this product only outdoors in a well-ventilated area. In case of doubt, it is advisable to carry out a preliminary test. Tools can be cleaned with water immediately after grouting. The use of impermeable and durable protective gloves, tight fitting goggles and protective clothing is recommended for work. Regularly remove moss, leaves and weeds carried by the water to the surface of the joint. Due to the raw material, the seal may lose sand slightly. All fillers are natural products, color deviations may occur.