Who are we ?

After 25 years of experience within the Group Koti , leader in the production of road sweeping and weeding brushes, Paul Hymmer was created with the aim of strengthening the means of combating weeding for communities, construction companies, and green space specialists.

Making the maintenance of public spaces more sustainable, more respectful of nature, easier, much less expensive with, as a result, a BLUFFING result, such is our credo !

Enhance our Public Heritage, involve and motivate actors in the field and make them proud of the work accomplished!

Future generations will certainly be very grateful to us.

​Indeed, Paul Hymmer natural sand prevents weeds from invading your pavements in a sustainable and ecological way. PAUL HYMMER products contribute greatly to the permeability of soils, so they are resistant to frost, salt, UV, traffic loads up to 40T, road sweepers, HP. Paul Hymmer is also repairable without traces and allows you to clear the road very quickly.

Paul Hymmer is Ecological, it does not contain cement! It is naturally biodegradable and RECYCLABLE!
Paul Hymmer is also your ESSENTIAL Consultant for any purchase of Weeding Equipment, Manual Tools, spare parts etc…
3 years already that we cuddle the soil, beautify our exteriors, value our public heritage, all-devoted to our beautiful planet!

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